According to Wikipedia, a dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind when an individual is asleep. On average, a human being spends about two hours in a dream every night. And each dream can last for 5 to 20 minutes although the individual perceives it to be longer than this count.
The content and function of dreams have always been the subject of interest to everyone including scientists, philosophers, and religious peoples. Psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung postulated theories to explain what dreams mean. According to Freud, dreams are repressed content, ideas, or themes. Carl Jung’s theory also came from Freud’s idea that dream is a collective consciousness and that it is something that we have been carrying from our ancestors. But from the medical perceptive, the interpretation of dreams is still a mystery. There is still no real, consistent, or scientifically proven theory that links specific content back to what a dream is.

Why Do We Dream?
Have you ever wondered why we actually dream? This is one of the most interesting aspects that are still under research. Although the reasons are still unknown, there are many theories that people believe in. Current theories suggest that dreams are a process of rebooting the brain. The purpose of a dream is to get rid of the garbage that is cluttered in your mind thus allowing the brain’s complex chemistry to stabilize. One school of thought is that dreams help you store important memories and things you’ve learned. And they also get rid of unimportant memories by sorting through complicated thoughts and feelings.
Dreams may represent your brain’s cognitive functioning. The brain’s activity during the dream is similar to the memory processing that we experience when we are awake. E.G, when we are experiencing stress or anxiety, we tend to dream more and the types of dreams may also change. For example, nightmares are stressful dreams such as being chased are common kinds of dreams that occur when stressed. That’s one of the theories as to why we dream.
What Are the Different Kinds of Dreams? There are seven main types of dreams that are classified based on experiences.

1. Daydreams:
Daydreaming refers to the series of several thoughts that distract you from the outside world. These dreams make you less aware of your surroundings and they occur while you are awake. These daydreams are produced by our brain’s default mode of the network in the brain in response to a lack of stimulation. Some of the types of daydreaming include dysphoria, fantasy, escapism, visualization, and rumination.
2. False-awakening dreams:
These dreams occur when the sleeper believes that they have woken up from sleep but are still in the middle of dreams. The false awakening dreams are a hybrid state that overlaps with sleep and wakefulness. These dreams are commonly linked to paralysis and lucid dreams.
3. Healing dreams
Healing dreams are the dreams where the dreamer dreams as he has got some supernatural powers like telepathy or he is healing others. Healing dreams can bring feelings of reconciliation and balance in life. These healing dreams can help you facilitate a sense of purpose or peace through your unconscious mind.
4. Lucid dreams
In lucid dreams, a sleeper becomes aware of the fact that they are dreaming and retains some control over the body and thoughts within the dream.
5. Nightmares
Nightmares are fear-inducing dreams that state the brain’s way of processing daily life’s stressors. Some of the common causes of nightmares are previous traumatic events, poor eating habits, sleep deprivation, illness, medication, or sleep disorders.
6. Prophetic dreams
In prophet dreams, people experience future life events that are going to occur before they happen in their life. Some people believe that the person has predicted the future through dreams. While others believe that these dreams are an outcome of the subconscious mind that is preparing them for a future event.
7. Recurring dreams:
Recurring dreams are the dreams that we experience repeatedly after a sleeping session or multiple sleeping sessions. Recurring dreams contain similar imaginary sensations prior to the occurrences happening in form of resurrecting nightmares. Multiple theories suggest that recurring dreams are a result of internalized fears, risk avoidance, or any other unresolved issues.
Dreams mean anything that matters to everyone’s lives but, only a few try beyond to know the true meaning of them. At Dream Jumble, you have the freedom to share and express your dreams with everyone around the world. And the most fun part about Dream Jumble is that you will receive notifications when someone relates to the same kind of dream as you got and you can even discuss it with them.

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