Have you ever wondered what exactly dreams are and why we are able to feel and sense every action we make in dreams even without moving our bodies? This is wired to think and sometimes brings horripilation when we try to decode them. Every one of us has that inner self who thinks dreams are something that connects us to another world. We never know how our mind completely works and maybe one of its functions is to allow us to view another universe through dreams. well, we doubt that too.

Dreams Are Weird
Have you ever had a dream that felt so real and when you woke up u weren’t sure if it is real? or a dream? Dreams are so mysterious and vivid that you cannot make sure that you were really in that place at that time.
Just imagine what if one of the functions of your brain is connected to another universe and shows you a glimpse of its relatives? What if we were seeing the universe from a different perspective where you took a different fork in the path of life and the things turned out differently for you and the people around you?

Dreams May Be a Glimpse into The Parallel Universe
For thousand years, both people and scientists working alike on decoding the mystery behind dreams. Thinking about what could dreams mean, are they connected to the parallel universe? Do they show what the future means? However, what if some of the dreams are actual reality happening in the parallel universe?
There have been many legends explaining the origin of dreams from across the world. Ancient Romans and Greeks believed that dreams are messages from the gods and the Chinese believed that dreams are messages from their ancestors who had died. And many native Americans believe that dreams are a glimpse of the events happening in the parallel universe.
However, scientists have rubbished the thought of ghosts and nightmares as the play of the brain and they have agreed with the theory of multi-universe. But it has not been proven and its existence cannot be refuted either.

How Does the Déjà Vu Effect Relate to Dreams?
A lot of people see many things in dreams that are about to happen in their life this is called the déjà vu effect. In the Deja Vu effect, we feel like we have gone through this situation before with the same circle of people. But we often brush this as a coincidence. However, there could be a deeper meaning in the sense that your copy in the parallel universe might have experienced the same situation and you are feeling that it has happened to you before.

Everyday Reality Dreams Are the Same Process
During both waking life and dreams, we experience the same process even if it produces different realities. Our minds probably collapse the waves to generate a physical reality that comes complete with a functional body. Hence the result of this magnificent orchestration is our never-ending ability to experience sensation in a four-dimensional world.
Our sleep consists of periods of dreams which is called REM sleep and also consists of periods without dreams which are called non-REM sleep. When we got awake from sleep we often remember our dreams but in non-REM, we have no memories of whatever we saw in non-REM of sleep.
This happens because in non-REM of sleep the packet of waves is so widely spread that most of their branches are decoupled with each other with no enlargement or interactions between them. Later on, awaking you will find yourself in those branches experiencing your family world.
What If
Think about this what-if concept a little deeper.
• What if ghosts occur in the place where the barrier between our world and their world is thin
• What if your conscious (soul) moves to another universe and starts a new life after you die?
• What if people, who report their past life could be seeing their own realities happening in a parallel universe through dreams?
• What if people with schizophrenia were not ill? And able to see images and hear voices from a parallel universe?
These might sound scoffing but real science is driven by such different theories.
What Is the Proof?
Nothing is scientific fact and most of the assumptions are based on theories and experiences shared by the people. But there is one thing that cannot be denied dreams hold something in them which makes them mysterious and interesting.
Are you interested in knowing more deep connections with dreams? Are you someone who is excited to know who else has similar dreams like yours? then register to Dream Jumble today and start exploring the dream stories. One of the best options is you can even discuss it with people around the world.

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